As part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series you may want to see a slide-show from after the Japanese Tsunami. With lessons to coaches and coaching-executives, the spirit of Japanese people in adversary is hard to match. See the slide-show below. Continue reading Blog: Half Full or Half Empty
Tag: Angus McLeod
Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers
Part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series, the full slide-show has memorable and striking images by Daniel LeClair for Reuters. You can see the slide-show below. There are many lessons for coaches and coaching-executives but the concept of giving and taking is one I explore here. Continue reading Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers
Which Coach?
How Good is your Coach? How do You Know? If you have video of them working, or you can watch them, you will shortly know for certain; watch the video! Continue reading Which Coach?
Blog: A Wonderful Place
Tarya Seagraves-Quee, a homeless nurse, with three of her four children have been living in Massachusetts in a tiny, dark hotel suite for nearly two months.
Tarya suffers from multiple sclerosis, Aspergers syndrome, anemia and lupus. Two of her children, aged 16 and 6, are autistic. After losing her job, and facing repeated physical abuse from a boyfriend, she spent $700 – almost all her savings — on airline tickets for her family to stay with relatives in Boston. She ended up in a small, gloomy motel on the wrong side of town – in spite of everything she says that this is a ‘wonderful place to live’. Audio slide-show available. This story is part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series.
News: human at work
I have produced my first video based on ‘Human at Work’ © technology. This video is on mindfulness. But why ‘Human at Work’ and what does that do for organizations that L&D does not? Although good work is done within L&D we often see too many initiatives without adequate resources to accomplish the job. Naturally, what slips through are programmes that are not themed for corporate key learnings and we also then see an element of ‘tick box’ programmes where whole groups are put in training when in reality, some of them should not be in the training room at all. They will get little or nothing from it and their view of HR will be compromised. Continue reading News: human at work
Mindfulness (Caxton 1997) is akin to ‘prescencing’ set out later by Senge et al (2000). In this short video, Angus McLeod provides thoughts in mindfulness and how executives can begin to take advantage of this technology, to develop soft-skills and to take advantage of a more creative mindset for innovation. A new technology, ‘Human at Work’ has been used to advise and inform creative learning for the L&D process and demonstrate the impact that my ‘Human at Work’ model can make in improving what we all do in setting up L&D initiatives.
Continue reading Mindfulness
News e-learning journeys
Angus McLeod Associates announced that they are managing customer-corporate access to web-based learning journeys offered by The Coaching Foundation. The Coaching Foundation is open to the general public. Continue reading News e-learning journeys
Video: Leadership and Coaching
How are leadership traits and coaching skills similar. How are they different. This 8 minute video offers an interpretation based on 20 years of experience around the world in both disciplines:
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NEWS: e-learning
Dr John McGurk at the CIPD, said:
“Although many firms are still struggling in the private sector, and some are still reining in spending on training, the picture has picked up since last year. Not only have we seen learning and development being prioritised more in the recent recession than in previous ones, we’re also seeing a strong bounce back from firms recognising that investing in skills is the best way of capitalising on recovery. Continue reading NEWS: e-learning
Resourceful Space (Coaching Models & Methods)
See a video about resourceful space showing how it is used in practice
Instructions for use
The coach can say something like,
You know the expression ‘take a step back’? Sometimes moving from where we are can help us to change how we experience things. From what you have been saying, it seems that you are in a space that I might call ‘stuck’ or ‘not-fully resourceful’ – what would you call it? Continue reading Resourceful Space (Coaching Models & Methods)