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NEWS NSA launch

National Skills Academy for Manufacturing launches new coaching courses

Semta, the Sector Skills Council for science, engineering and manufacturing technologies has today announced the launch of three new flexible learning coaching programmes.

The courses, which are now available online through National Skills Academy provider Angus McLeod Associates, have been specifically designed to meet the needs of employees required to coach other staff, helping them identify and enhance existing skills and competencies. Contact Angus McLeod Associates. Continue reading NEWS NSA launch

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There is beauty in the human scale but also in the microscopic. A slideshow showing pictures through the electron-microscope and taken by Catherine Draycott (Head of Wellcome Images) can be seen here. As coaches we can listen and learn from the macro-scale communications of our coachees – but we also have to drill down to help them find root-causes. With electron-microscopy one can drill down to fine detail, sub-cell. As coaches we use the coachee’s language to help us to help themselves. What they learn from drilling down helps them make macro-level decisions. This too is one of the beauties of exquisite coaching. Angus.

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US Radio Spot

Angus gives ‘Freedom’ interview

‘Let’s Get Real Radio’ featured Angus McLeod in their ‘freedom’ spot at 1pm Central time on Monday 20th December where he answered questions from the presenters on his career, books and of course, coaching! Hear the Radio show.

“You really touched my heart and allowed my soul to sing its heart song” Cathy Matarazzo, show host.

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How to Be Happy

Last evening I had one of those wonderful warm glow feelings when all seems to be just right. These things can still surprise but we can also re-programme ourselves to be more susceptible to happiness. The old adage coined by Kahlil Gibran about the cup being half empty or half-full comes to mind. Can’t we just chose to be half-full? Continue reading How to Be Happy

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Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

I spent time at the amazing Euro-coach Conference, ec-l 2010, this weekend. It was a great environment to meet, discuss and learn with others who are totally enthralled with the wonderful outcomes that come from excellent coaching. But how does the best coaching happen? Well, at least there is one simple explanation that covers ALL coaching everywhere! (Video also) Continue reading Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

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Video Masterclasses

We offer a range of coaching masterclasses on video. You can watch one of the several sample videos below. Each of these shows the coaching session and the debriefing with the audience. These debriefings are fantastically educational in teasing out observed tricks of the trade. The full videos are all about an hour and also include the full coaching session AND the film of the debriefing and are available exclusively to members of this site on a pay-to-view basis with six weeks to see the videos as many times as you like. The samples are all free to view. Continue reading Video Masterclasses