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Leadership & Motivation – Video Tips

Manage Self and Others Smarter

How to Engage with your staff, gain trust and, help them develop

The next video #2 (and nine more; almost 2 hours in total) can be found here on YouTube

Video #Time/ mm:ssSubjects covered
28:30Stop dissatisfaction in people by preventing over-managing and under-managing from now on
38:46Get the number of allocated projects right; engaging to get the best from others; acknowledgement; linguistic tricks!
48:21Key setting/agreeing boundaries; communicate early when issues arise & prevent chaos; carrots & sticks for double motivation!
512:21Trust Building; Leadership Traits; Gap-managing your own traits; The Trust Factor traits that are essential, or crisis results
67:54Reliability/Consistency vs flexibility explained; Action cycles and fire-fighting and how to be more strategic at work
712:23Leveraging the 1-2-1 with staff: motivating, checking your effectiveness, mindsets for difficult-behaviors, using ‘I’, ‘We’, & ‘You’
814:16Mindsets for different required solutions; four types of meetings fit for purpose and more efficient
910:52Leveraging Emotional Intelligence and speedy EI improvement without having to just grow old!
1011:57Beating conflicts: Second positioning and the 51% Rule
1113:51Managing stress (self & others); Persistent stress syndrome and how to break it; self-inquiry and self-inventory.
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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) leverages success. Many executives slowly gain EI over a life-time from learning whether pleasant or painful! But we can all learn faster – here are some insights for how to do just that, and stay ahead before the pain hits! Just SEVEN minutes!

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Self-confidence and Self-esteem

This short video by Angus McLeod shows how Self-confidence is context-specific and therefore ‘fragile’. However, if we are conscious about having a wide selection of thinking and activities where we have self-confidence, we generate ‘Self-esteem’; this quality is not context-specific and so is robust. We can deliberately grow self-esteem and this makes our lives less stressful, calmer, better…! Just FIVE minutes!

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Pessimism & Optimism

“Pessimism can hold us back in any context of life; pessimists don’t start things that are a little challenging and if they do start, are more likely to give up. Optimists start challenging things and often success. We can learn here how to move from pessimism to optimism”. @drangusmcleod
Video is copyright AngusMcLeod, 2021.

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Resourceful Space

Here is the Video Short about ‘Resourceful Space’. It features authors, Will Thomas and Angus McLeod. What is Resourceful Space, and why is it so impactful? When can you use it? Is there a video example to show me? We answer all these! Continue reading Resourceful Space

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4 Levels of Coaching

We can gauge the level at which a coach is working (and their professional versatility, or lack of it) by simply looking at the evidential data in their coachees. In this video compilation you can see all four levels. The introductory video is below. Longer versions of this video are available, contact us for access. Continue reading 4 Levels of Coaching

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EI Test

It is said that:

IQ + Emotional Intelligence = success

Take this EI quiz and find out!

If you want more success, here’s how to do it!

Continue reading EI Test

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What is self-confidence and how is it different from self-esteem?
How do you get both? What is the one key secret to increasing these wonderful resources?
All is here. Watch this short free video in just over 2 minutes flat!
Continue reading Resilience-1