As part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series you may want to see a slide-show from after the Japanese Tsunami. With lessons to coaches and coaching-executives, the spirit of Japanese people in adversary is hard to match. See the slide-show below. Continue reading Blog: Half Full or Half Empty
Category: Learning & Development
Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers
Part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series, the full slide-show has memorable and striking images by Daniel LeClair for Reuters. You can see the slide-show below. There are many lessons for coaches and coaching-executives but the concept of giving and taking is one I explore here. Continue reading Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers
Blog – Inspiration Research
One hour of your time – have you been inspired by someone?
Inspiration is a small and uneccessary aspect of leadership. If you have it, you are probably lucky or just highly developed as a human. But do our coachees develop inspiration in others? A key to this which I borrow from coaching senior executives for over a decade is the observation that inspiration, like charisma or ‘a brand’, mainly works easily in a new environment. This blog is part of our ongoing ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series. Continue reading Blog – Inspiration Research
Pain to gain
Using my ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) philosophy, here is a 7 minute video demonstrating how human development underpins executive training for stress and numerous performance issues.
My first video based on ‘Human at Work’ technology was a video on mindfulness. Here is the second in the series, called ‘Pain to Gain’. Just sign up to get further free videos. Existing ‘Human at Work ©’ members will find the video on their dashboard. Continue reading Pain to gain
News: human at work
I have produced my first video based on ‘Human at Work’ © technology. This video is on mindfulness. But why ‘Human at Work’ and what does that do for organizations that L&D does not? Although good work is done within L&D we often see too many initiatives without adequate resources to accomplish the job. Naturally, what slips through are programmes that are not themed for corporate key learnings and we also then see an element of ‘tick box’ programmes where whole groups are put in training when in reality, some of them should not be in the training room at all. They will get little or nothing from it and their view of HR will be compromised. Continue reading News: human at work
Stress Management
The HSE in their 2008 study show: “that in 2007/08 an estimated 442,000 people in Great Britain, who worked in the last year, believed that they were suffering from stress, depression or anxiety caused or made worse by their current or past work. This equates to 1,500 per 100,000 people (1.5%) who worked in the last 12 months in Great Britain”. Continue reading Stress Management