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Coaching Style

Why is Managing in a Coaching Style so impactful? How does a strategic move to managing in a coaching style lead to a culture change and to the ‘Coaching Organisation’? What strategic input is needed to facilitate this culture change by management? These questions and others are addressed in the complete series of volumes!

Watch Video 1 of Volume 1 from Managing in Coaching Style series. The whole Volume has four videos including embedded video-examples and slides (available on-screen and free as downloadable figures). Continue reading Coaching Style

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Women’s Glass Ceiling

‘Cracking the Code to the Glass Ceiling’

Written by: Nancy E. Parsons

During my thirty years in leadership, the glass ceiling has been a nearly impenetrable blockade, limiting the vast majority of aspiring women leaders hoping to reach the top.  I am delighted to report that we have, at last, cracked the code. Continue reading Women’s Glass Ceiling

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Performance & Behavioural Difference

Press Release

For years we have majored in ‘leadership & coaching’.

In recent years we have not been measuring ‘leadership’ or ‘coaching’ change, but we have been measuring changes in performance and behaviours. Continue reading Performance & Behavioural Difference

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Women and Success

Nothing Succeeds Like Success!

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”.   Continue reading Women and Success

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NLP and Coaching

How does Coaching relate to the four pillars of Neuro-linguistic Programming?

When we look at the four pillars of NLP proposed by McDermott (2006; Rapport, Flexibility, Outcome Thinking & Sensory Acuity), we find interesting learning that maps directly to best-practice in modern coaching. Continue reading NLP and Coaching

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New Leadership Kindle Book

Self-coaching Leadership – from Manager to Leader

New Kindle book launched from John Wiley and authored by Angus McLeod.

This 5/5 star reviewed book is a practical treasure of tips for the modern manager wanting to up-their-game. Continue reading New Leadership Kindle Book

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Which Coach?

How Good is your Coach? How do You Know? If you have video of them working, or you can watch them, you will shortly know for certain; watch the video! Continue reading Which Coach?

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News: human at work

eyes and handI have produced my first video based on ‘Human at Work’ © technology. This video is on mindfulness. But why ‘Human at Work’ and what does that do for organizations that L&D does not? Although good work is done within L&D we often see too many initiatives without adequate resources to accomplish the job. Naturally, what slips through are programmes that are not themed for corporate key learnings and we also then see an element of ‘tick box’ programmes where whole groups are put in training when in reality, some of them should not be in the training room at all. They will get little or nothing from it and their view of HR will be compromised. Continue reading News: human at work

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News e-learning journeys



Angus McLeod Associates announced that they are managing customer-corporate access to web-based learning journeys offered by The Coaching Foundation. The Coaching Foundation is open to the general public. Continue reading News e-learning journeys