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Resourceful Space (Coaching Models & Methods)

See a video about resourceful space showing how it is used in practice

Instructions for use

The coach can say something like,
You know the expression ‘take a step back’? Sometimes moving from where we are can help us to change how we experience things. From what you have been saying, it seems that you are in a space that I might call ‘stuck’ or ‘not-fully resourceful’ – what would you call it? Continue reading Resourceful Space (Coaching Models & Methods)

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News: Resilience

Resilience is sought after and as single term for a multifactoral set of traits, understanding the basics can be hard. In a 4 minute video, I propose one major component of individual resilience and a methodology for its increase over time. Factor that up for organisations and you have a resilient culture. Find out how! Continue reading News: Resilience

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Wheel of life

The wheel of life is used as a coaching tool to assist the coachee to learn more about their own thinking, beliefs, motivations and de-motivations. It provides a soft way to work for novice coaches particularly as both parties can look at the tool rather than at one another.

There is no single wheel of life but we offer one with ten segments. There are 3 distinct steps in using the wheel.

see more


further skills for self-coaching life-style and well-being

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Cascade Coaching

Cascade Coaching® is the 3CCCs methodology for culture change in organisations working on 3 levels of corporate change.

These changes are directed at key (typically ‘front-line’) staff and managers. Cascade Coaching also involves the training of in-house coaches to encourage your organisation to become independently developing with time. Enquire for more information navigation: contact


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Coaching Definitions

Before we set out definitions, it may be worth providing some context so we can come off the same page.

Because the person or organisation that pays is normally referred to as ‘the client’, the word ‘coachee’ is invariably reserved for the person being coached.  Continue reading Coaching Definitions

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The Principal Instruments of Coaching

The Principal Instruments of coaching are now these: exquisite listening, questions (including challenge) and SR silence[1]. These Principal Instruments are used to assist the coachee to meet their defined targets. Of the three Instruments, Self-Reflective silence is the most effective. To see video of SR go to this link. Continue reading The Principal Instruments of Coaching

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STEPPPA Coaching Model

Angus McLeod’s coaching model includes ‘E’ emotion as a vital element of any target or goal.

EMOTION is at the heart of motivation and de-motivation. STEPPPA includes EMOTION rather than ignoring it! Continue reading STEPPPA Coaching Model

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Self-reflective (SR) Silence

When a coachee makes a discovery, the psychological breakthrough in perception, or catharsis, is wholly internal. Even if the coach is speaking, the contribution of the coach to the actual event is insignificant.

Silence (and specifically one form of silence in coaching: ‘self-reflective’ silence, SR-Silence) is therefore the dominant of the triad of the Principal Instruments (that include questioning and challenge). SR-Silence enables the coachee to think and feel (experience) without the coach sidetracking them. Watch the video for more . Continue reading Self-reflective (SR) Silence