Slay That Dragon, Life Just Got Easy! published with Amazon Kindle in 2012 and is now just released as a paper-back book with publisher, CreateSpace. Continue reading Personal Development Book
Author: angusmcleod
Blog: Inuit life philosophy
Russell Atagootak has spent his 23 years of life in the artic. The slideshow features Russell’s own words, “Everybody is from this world. We are not that much different“. His main job is polar-bear monitor, fixing trip-wires alarms to protect camps. Russell’s 23 years in the artic is a longer than many make in 50. When Russell says, “I am not sure when I go to bed whether I will wake up in the morning“, we believe him. Be moved. Continue reading Blog: Inuit life philosophy
Angus in Cheltenham
Cathartic Change via Facilitated Coaching
Imagine being able to leverage the facilitation of cathartic change in coachees. What factors are important? What is it like to experience change in silent, self-reflective spaces? This workshop offers discovery, surprise, and a model for coaching, supported by video evidence. Continue reading Angus in Cheltenham
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been a key element of our change work with organisations for a long time. EI is important as a change model because it underpins the absolutely critical need for development feedback between colleagues at work. We have now taken a significant step forward in offering specific EI courses with the addition of Dr. Rajeev Gupta to the team. Continue reading Emotional Intelligence
Judgements In Management & Coaching, Good or Bad?!
Judgements have their uses. Especially when you want polarity, the ‘yes’/’no’ options for an answer. For example, Judgement in logical decision-making or Project Management contribute massively to success. But do they always? No. So why do I celebrate Einstein as a genius of ‘letting go judgement’ in order to find brilliant solutions? Find out here. Continue reading Judgements
Performance & Behavioural Difference
Press Release
For years we have majored in ‘leadership & coaching’.
In recent years we have not been measuring ‘leadership’ or ‘coaching’ change, but we have been measuring changes in performance and behaviours. Continue reading Performance & Behavioural Difference
Coaching Culture
What is coaching in one sentence? Why have organisations wanted coaching culture change since 2004? Simply, how is it done? All this and more in under four minutes! Watch the video. Continue reading Coaching Culture
Blog: be happy today
Reasons to be happy in 10 minutes. Watch the camera work and images of Louie Schwartzberg and listen and brighten your day! A ‘Human at Work’ can need a lift sometimes! See video below. Continue reading Blog: be happy today
Women and Success
Nothing Succeeds Like Success!
“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”. Continue reading Women and Success
Women: Distress from Stress
Taking the Distress out of Stress
At the moment I am dealing with an excessively large workload and so it seemed like a good time to write about stress!
When life has a good rhythm of work, time for family and friends, and time for oneself, then it is easy to write safe platitudes about how stressed people should go about de-stressing themselves. As a reminder of how easy it is to make up advice, Continue reading Women: Distress from Stress