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Women and Success

Nothing Succeeds Like Success!

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”.   Continue reading Women and Success

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Women: Distress from Stress

Taking the Distress out of Stress

At the moment I am dealing with an excessively large workload and so it seemed like a good time to write about stress!

When life has a good rhythm of work, time for family and friends, and time for oneself, then it is easy to write safe platitudes about how stressed people should go about de-stressing themselves. As a reminder of how easy it is to make up advice, Continue reading Women: Distress from Stress

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Women at Work #2

Women, men and status at work #2

Note: You will need to refer back to #1 in the second part of this paper!

I worked as a professional role-player/improvising-actor taking improvisation-scenarios into organizations. One way we worked was to prepare in advance by creating characters and then improvise a scene that was significant for that audience. We stopped at a moment of high drama and then stayed in role in dialogue with the audience. From the helpful suggestions that came up in the discussion, we would wind back and replay the scene, now with the characters equipped with new perspectives and positive ways to act. Continue reading Women at Work #2

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Women at Work #1

Women, Men and Status at Work, Part 1

Discover the Secrets Most Business Women Don’t Know About!

How to Increase Credibility, Status and Success, Working With Men!

When I first moved to New Zealand many years ago with my NZ-partner, we both looked in the paper for jobs to pay the rent, while we got ourselves settled. Continue reading Women at Work #1

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Angus McLeod Coaching Interview: 9

This is the audio interview of Angus McLeod by Michelle Duval in April 2012. Exquisite questioning by mega-coach Michelle Duval – Pearls of wisdom from the humanistic world-coach and author, Angus McLeod.

“I listened to the interview with Angus McLeod today. I felt  like Angus’ words sang to my heart: ‘Authenticity’, ‘focus’ and ‘be the music’. There were lots of powerful moments for me in a very profound way. The one that has stuck with me the most is ‘Be the music’!” Dina Cooper, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia. Listen here: Continue reading Angus McLeod Coaching Interview: 9

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Blog: Half Full or Half Empty

As part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series you may want to see a slide-show from after the Japanese Tsunami. With lessons to coaches and coaching-executives, the spirit of Japanese people in adversary is hard to match. See the slide-show below. Continue reading Blog: Half Full or Half Empty

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Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers

Part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series, the full slide-show has memorable and striking images by Daniel LeClair for Reuters. You can see the slide-show below. There are many lessons for coaches and coaching-executives but the concept of giving and taking is one I explore here. Continue reading Blog: Honduras Street Life – Takers and Givers

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Blog – Inspiration Research

One hour of your time – have you been inspired by someone?

Inspiration is a small and uneccessary aspect of leadership. If you have it, you are probably lucky or just highly developed as a human. But do our coachees develop inspiration in others? A key to this which I borrow from coaching senior executives for over a decade is the observation that inspiration, like charisma or ‘a brand’, mainly works easily in a new environment. This blog is part of our ongoing ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series. Continue reading Blog – Inspiration Research

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Pain to gain

Using my ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) philosophy, here is a 7 minute video demonstrating how human development underpins executive training for stress and numerous performance issues.
My first video based on ‘Human at Work’ technology was a video on mindfulness. Here is the second in the series, called ‘Pain to Gain’. Just sign up to get further free videos. Existing ‘Human at Work ©’ members will find the video on their dashboard. Continue reading Pain to gain

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Blog: A Wonderful Place

Tarya Seagraves-Quee, a homeless nurse, with three of her four children have been living in Massachusetts in a tiny, dark hotel suite for nearly two months.

Tarya suffers from multiple sclerosis, Aspergers syndrome, anemia and lupus. Two of her children, aged 16 and 6, are autistic. After losing her job, and facing repeated physical abuse from a boyfriend, she spent $700 – almost all her savings — on airline tickets for her family to stay with relatives in Boston. She ended up in a small, gloomy motel on the wrong side of town – in spite of everything she says that this is a ‘wonderful place to live’. Audio slide-show available. This story is part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series.

Continue reading Blog: A Wonderful Place