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Women: Distress from Stress

Taking the Distress out of Stress

At the moment I am dealing with an excessively large workload and so it seemed like a good time to write about stress!

When life has a good rhythm of work, time for family and friends, and time for oneself, then it is easy to write safe platitudes about how stressed people should go about de-stressing themselves. As a reminder of how easy it is to make up advice, Continue reading Women: Distress from Stress

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New Leadership Kindle Book

Self-coaching Leadership – from Manager to Leader

New Kindle book launched from John Wiley and authored by Angus McLeod.

This 5/5 star reviewed book is a practical treasure of tips for the modern manager wanting to up-their-game. Continue reading New Leadership Kindle Book

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Blog: A Wonderful Place

Tarya Seagraves-Quee, a homeless nurse, with three of her four children have been living in Massachusetts in a tiny, dark hotel suite for nearly two months.

Tarya suffers from multiple sclerosis, Aspergers syndrome, anemia and lupus. Two of her children, aged 16 and 6, are autistic. After losing her job, and facing repeated physical abuse from a boyfriend, she spent $700 – almost all her savings — on airline tickets for her family to stay with relatives in Boston. She ended up in a small, gloomy motel on the wrong side of town – in spite of everything she says that this is a ‘wonderful place to live’. Audio slide-show available. This story is part of our ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) series.

Continue reading Blog: A Wonderful Place

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News: Resilience

Resilience is sought after and as single term for a multifactoral set of traits, understanding the basics can be hard. In a 4 minute video, I propose one major component of individual resilience and a methodology for its increase over time. Factor that up for organisations and you have a resilient culture. Find out how! Continue reading News: Resilience

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How to Be Happy

Last evening I had one of those wonderful warm glow feelings when all seems to be just right. These things can still surprise but we can also re-programme ourselves to be more susceptible to happiness. The old adage coined by Kahlil Gibran about the cup being half empty or half-full comes to mind. Can’t we just chose to be half-full? Continue reading How to Be Happy

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Stress Management

The HSE in their 2008 study show: “that in 2007/08 an estimated 442,000 people in Great Britain, who worked in the last year,  believed that they were suffering from stress, depression or anxiety caused or made  worse by their current or past work. This equates to 1,500 per 100,000 people (1.5%) who  worked in the last 12 months in Great Britain”. Continue reading Stress Management

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Wheel of life

The wheel of life is used as a coaching tool to assist the coachee to learn more about their own thinking, beliefs, motivations and de-motivations. It provides a soft way to work for novice coaches particularly as both parties can look at the tool rather than at one another.

There is no single wheel of life but we offer one with ten segments. There are 3 distinct steps in using the wheel.

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further skills for self-coaching life-style and well-being

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STEPPPA Coaching Model

Angus McLeod’s coaching model includes ‘E’ emotion as a vital element of any target or goal.

EMOTION is at the heart of motivation and de-motivation. STEPPPA includes EMOTION rather than ignoring it! Continue reading STEPPPA Coaching Model