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EI Test

It is said that:

IQ + Emotional Intelligence = success

Take this EI quiz and find out!

If you want more success, here’s how to do it!

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Gorilla Love Coaching

Gorilla Love Coaching
Damian Aspinall

Damian Aspinall, returns to the bush to see a gorilla that he took to the wild 5 years earlier. In an emotional video,  the gorilla demonstrates genuine recognition, affection and join-up. Angus McLeod’s learning from this inspiring video is below.. Continue reading Gorilla Love Coaching

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Women and Success

Nothing Succeeds Like Success!

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”.   Continue reading Women and Success

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Women: Distress from Stress

Taking the Distress out of Stress

At the moment I am dealing with an excessively large workload and so it seemed like a good time to write about stress!

When life has a good rhythm of work, time for family and friends, and time for oneself, then it is easy to write safe platitudes about how stressed people should go about de-stressing themselves. As a reminder of how easy it is to make up advice, Continue reading Women: Distress from Stress

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Self-Help Kindle-book

Angus McLeod’s latest book, Slay That Dragon – Life Just Got Easy!

This self-help book helps anyone to recognize the blocks to human passion and energy for life. The Dragons in the title refer to these blocks. In my work over almost 20 years as a counsellor and coach, many Dragons have been chased out of hiding with delightful consequences! Continue reading Self-Help Kindle-book

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Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

I spent time at the amazing Euro-coach Conference, ec-l 2010, this weekend. It was a great environment to meet, discuss and learn with others who are totally enthralled with the wonderful outcomes that come from excellent coaching. But how does the best coaching happen? Well, at least there is one simple explanation that covers ALL coaching everywhere! (Video also) Continue reading Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

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Wheel of life

The wheel of life is used as a coaching tool to assist the coachee to learn more about their own thinking, beliefs, motivations and de-motivations. It provides a soft way to work for novice coaches particularly as both parties can look at the tool rather than at one another.

There is no single wheel of life but we offer one with ten segments. There are 3 distinct steps in using the wheel.

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further skills for self-coaching life-style and well-being

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Coaching Definitions

Before we set out definitions, it may be worth providing some context so we can come off the same page.

Because the person or organisation that pays is normally referred to as ‘the client’, the word ‘coachee’ is invariably reserved for the person being coached.  Continue reading Coaching Definitions