Emotional Intelligence (EI) leverages success. Many executives slowly gain EI over a life-time from learning whether pleasant or painful! But we can all learn faster – here are some insights for how to do just that, and stay ahead before the pain hits! Just SEVEN minutes!
Tag: McLeod
Self-confidence and Self-esteem
This short video by Angus McLeod shows how Self-confidence is context-specific and therefore ‘fragile’. However, if we are conscious about having a wide selection of thinking and activities where we have self-confidence, we generate ‘Self-esteem’; this quality is not context-specific and so is robust. We can deliberately grow self-esteem and this makes our lives less stressful, calmer, better…! Just FIVE minutes!
Video Relationship Investment
This short video by Angus McLeod shows how we can calibrate key relationships, know what action to take to improve the relationship and then, covertly, monitor the effectiveness of our action! Just eight minutes!
Supporting Resources: Reflective Language Article
We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.
Indian Edition for Angus McLeod
@drangusmcleod book ‘Me, Myself, My Team – How to Become an Effective Team-Player Using NLP’ has now been taken up by an Indian publisher, ‘Research Press’. Continue reading Indian Edition for Angus McLeod
EI Test
It is said that:
IQ + Emotional Intelligence = success
Take this EI quiz and find out!
If you want more success, here’s how to do it!
McLeod: Transformational Coaching
McLeod: Sustainable Transformations in Under 30 minutes.
At Euro-Coach Conference 16-17 November, 2013., Dr Angus McLeod (Visiting Professor of Coaching at Birmingham City University) will first run through his 4-level coaching model. This model is based upon observations of the coachee and not, as conventionally done, by focussing on the core skills of the coach. Continue reading McLeod: Transformational Coaching
BLOG: Parables on Coaching 1
“Today is another gift of life. Make it special”
Angus McLeod.
Days come and go. There are routines which we more-or-less fall into. And, there are things that go adrift and we may beat-ourselves-up about: we take the car to work but have to go back home because we forgot needed papers; we look forward to the weekend, or to a holiday some weeks or months ahead as a mechanism to keep going through the laborious work periods. Continue reading BLOG: Parables on Coaching 1
Angus in Cheltenham
Cathartic Change via Facilitated Coaching
Imagine being able to leverage the facilitation of cathartic change in coachees. What factors are important? What is it like to experience change in silent, self-reflective spaces? This workshop offers discovery, surprise, and a model for coaching, supported by video evidence. Continue reading Angus in Cheltenham
Performance & Behavioural Difference
Press Release
For years we have majored in ‘leadership & coaching’.
In recent years we have not been measuring ‘leadership’ or ‘coaching’ change, but we have been measuring changes in performance and behaviours. Continue reading Performance & Behavioural Difference
NLP and Coaching
How does Coaching relate to the four pillars of Neuro-linguistic Programming?
When we look at the four pillars of NLP proposed by McDermott (2006; Rapport, Flexibility, Outcome Thinking & Sensory Acuity), we find interesting learning that maps directly to best-practice in modern coaching. Continue reading NLP and Coaching