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Listening Leadership


Exquisite Listening is at the heart of facilitating high performance in others. Listening is a key quality of leaders who mark themselves apart from managers who may dominate by directing.

When we listen well, we learn more about a person, about both their competences (practical and thinking styles) and about their motivations and de-motivations. We also learn how to influence them more effectively. Our influencing can then both inspire them to achieve at new levels but also to achieve with wellbeing, even when the demands we make, are over sustained periods.

A number of factors get in the way – awareness of these factors is a good place to start, so that strengths can be acknowledged and so gaps can be self-managed. The pathway to producing greater personal performance and satisfaction is then on track.

What gets in the way?

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Wellbeing at Work


Well-Being & Healthy Thinking

A healthy ‘mindset’ assists in well-being. This is not just about how happy we feel right now, but also, how empowered we are to achieve our aims.

But, what is a mindset? At least three things are important, these are: values, beliefs and our sense of identity. Continue reading Wellbeing at Work

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Senior Meeting Efficacy


How do you significantly improve the efficacy of a senior management team’s meetings?

Certain practical steps will create engagement, co-trust, increased creativity and more broadly-resourced solutions. Let’s start with the values that drive change, and how to apply those values.

See all

Values Driving Change – The Big Ticket Answers

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EI Test

It is said that:

IQ + Emotional Intelligence = success

Take this EI quiz and find out!

If you want more success, here’s how to do it!

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Judgements In Management & Coaching, Good or Bad?!

Judgements have their uses. Especially when you want polarity, the ‘yes’/’no’ options for an answer. For example, Judgement in logical decision-making or Project Management contribute massively to success. But do they always? No. So why do I celebrate Einstein as a genius of ‘letting go judgement’ in order to find brilliant solutions? Find out here. Continue reading Judgements

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Women and Success

Nothing Succeeds Like Success!

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”.   Continue reading Women and Success