Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for a combined Trust Factor: Reliability and Consistency. Continue reading Leader Qualities: Reliable & Consistent
Tag: Human at Work Series
Leader Quality: Accepts Responsibility
Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Accepting Responsibility. Continue reading Leader Quality: Accepts Responsibility
Thank You Motivation
Acknowledgement motivates. At its most simple, this means saying ‘thank you’ when a colleague has done something well or has risen to a personal challenge. Continue reading Thank You Motivation
Human at Work web-posts have been running here since 2011. But does Humanity at Work also bring corporate success? Let’s see how it can make that difference in performance. Continue reading HUMANITY at WORK
Heart Coach
Gorilla Love Coaching

Damian Aspinall, returns to the bush to see a gorilla that he took to the wild 5 years earlier. In an emotional video, the gorilla demonstrates genuine recognition, affection and join-up. Angus McLeod’s learning from this inspiring video is below.. Continue reading Gorilla Love Coaching
BLOG: Parables on Coaching 1
“Today is another gift of life. Make it special”
Angus McLeod.
Days come and go. There are routines which we more-or-less fall into. And, there are things that go adrift and we may beat-ourselves-up about: we take the car to work but have to go back home because we forgot needed papers; we look forward to the weekend, or to a holiday some weeks or months ahead as a mechanism to keep going through the laborious work periods. Continue reading BLOG: Parables on Coaching 1
Coaching Style
Why is Managing in a Coaching Style so impactful? How does a strategic move to managing in a coaching style lead to a culture change and to the ‘Coaching Organisation’? What strategic input is needed to facilitate this culture change by management? These questions and others are addressed in the complete series of volumes!
Watch Video 1 of Volume 1 from Managing in Coaching Style series. The whole Volume has four videos including embedded video-examples and slides (available on-screen and free as downloadable figures). Continue reading Coaching Style
Women’s Glass Ceiling
‘Cracking the Code to the Glass Ceiling’
Written by: Nancy E. Parsons
During my thirty years in leadership, the glass ceiling has been a nearly impenetrable blockade, limiting the vast majority of aspiring women leaders hoping to reach the top. I am delighted to report that we have, at last, cracked the code. Continue reading Women’s Glass Ceiling
Blog: be happy today
Reasons to be happy in 10 minutes. Watch the camera work and images of Louie Schwartzberg and listen and brighten your day! A ‘Human at Work’ can need a lift sometimes! See video below. Continue reading Blog: be happy today