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Stress Management

The HSE in their 2008 study show: “that in 2007/08 an estimated 442,000 people in Great Britain, who worked in the last year,  believed that they were suffering from stress, depression or anxiety caused or made  worse by their current or past work. This equates to 1,500 per 100,000 people (1.5%) who  worked in the last 12 months in Great Britain”. Continue reading Stress Management

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Wheel of work

The Wheel of work is a great tool for managers in organisations to get to know how to motivate people.

For coaches, the wheel of work provides a useful model to help the coachee learn more about their world of work, what can most influence a positive change, and where to establish sustainable targets/goals.

Continue reading Wheel of work

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Cascade Coaching

Cascade Coaching® is the 3CCCs methodology for culture change in organisations working on 3 levels of corporate change.

These changes are directed at key (typically ‘front-line’) staff and managers. Cascade Coaching also involves the training of in-house coaches to encourage your organisation to become independently developing with time. Enquire for more information navigation: contact


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Mixing coaching & mentoring

In practice, when coaching, mentoring may sometimes be needed. Why is that?

Coaching, since Tim Gallwey, is perceived universally as a facilitative process, whereby the coach attends to the coachee and their learning. This attention to the coachee and their learning leads to the use of just three principle instruments of coaching, namely: questions, challenge and (Self-reflective; SR) Silence. Continue reading Mixing coaching & mentoring

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The Principal Instruments of Coaching

The Principal Instruments of coaching are now these: exquisite listening, questions (including challenge) and SR silence[1]. These Principal Instruments are used to assist the coachee to meet their defined targets. Of the three Instruments, Self-Reflective silence is the most effective. To see video of SR go to this link. Continue reading The Principal Instruments of Coaching