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NEWS: e-learning

Dr John McGurk at the CIPD, said:

“Although many firms are still struggling in the private sector, and some are still reining in spending on training, the picture has picked up since last year. Not only have we seen learning and development being prioritised more in the recent recession than in previous ones, we’re also seeing a strong bounce back from firms recognising that investing in skills is the best way of capitalising on recovery. Continue reading NEWS: e-learning

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NEWS NSA launch

National Skills Academy for Manufacturing launches new coaching courses

Semta, the Sector Skills Council for science, engineering and manufacturing technologies has today announced the launch of three new flexible learning coaching programmes.

The courses, which are now available online through National Skills Academy provider Angus McLeod Associates, have been specifically designed to meet the needs of employees required to coach other staff, helping them identify and enhance existing skills and competencies. Contact Angus McLeod Associates. Continue reading NEWS NSA launch

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News: e-learning

In partnership with AMA Coaching School, we are now able to offer e-learning programmes to organisations wanting whole cohorts of people to upskill in applied coaching skills or other managing and leadership skills too. With about 20,000 learners having enrolled in Angus McLeod’s e-learning coaching programmes since 2004, you can be assured that the learning is not tick-box ‘knowledge-only’ learning, but applied learning for use immediately. Corporates have the option of Open College Network qualification programmes or those offered by the AMA Coaching School itself and externally endorsed by the Coaching Foundation.

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The Performance Organization

The problem with management science is that there invariable remains a tension between the logical business needs, as described by KPIs (including financial results) and the latest fad in HR-oriented models (from Mazslo to the Leadership Pipeline). The problem is that the two approaches never seem to meet where it matters, in the Board room. Even the so-dubbed ‘High Performance Organization’ (HPO) Model is principally an HR assortment of 5 goodies put in one box: these include employee engagement, self-directing teams, integrated production technology, organisational learning and Total Quality Management. Shouldn’t there be something more acceptable to Directors that incorporates the measurable people-performance benifits AND the business management in one package. Enter the founding principle of TPO – The Performance Organization! Continue reading The Performance Organization

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McLeod Management Model

How not to over- or under-manage and therefore demoralize your staff. Continue reading McLeod Management Model

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Rapid Culture Change

Can corporates achieve rapid behavioural change in their teams? They can now! With coachinig skills as part of a managing style. How do we know? Because we have been doing it since 2004 in sectors including healthcare (NHS TRUST) and Government. And there are published research results (The Training Journal) to prove it works! Watch this short video now.

Continue reading Rapid Culture Change

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What is coaching?

There are many forms of coaching methods, definitions and philosophies. We wish to provide over-arching knowledge that is common to all the best forms of coaching available today. So we provide an up-to-date definition as well as a glossary of terms. Continue reading What is coaching?