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Perfectionism – A Better Approach

Perfectionism can be a strength but so often, executives fail to discriminate between those projects/outputs needing 100% perfection and those requiring less perfection. That can lead to time-stress, stressing of colleagues, poor decisions and poor work/life balance and relationships. A better approach is my ‘Triage System’ adapted to suit every individual. Here, Dr. Angus I. McLeod explains how in 6m 19s!

See more free videos at my YouTube channel!

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We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.

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Down Feeling – Fix Them!

Down Feelings are a human blight, world over. Dr. Angus I. McLeod explains why they can occur and why they may disrupt your effectiveness and wellbeing. He then explains how to deal with them to work and live more contentedly! 6m 23s only.

See more videos on my YouTube channel!

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We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.

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Leadership & Motivation – Video Tips

Manage Self and Others Smarter

How to Engage with your staff, gain trust and, help them develop

The next video #2 (and nine more; almost 2 hours in total) can be found here on YouTube

Video #Time/ mm:ssSubjects covered
28:30Stop dissatisfaction in people by preventing over-managing and under-managing from now on
38:46Get the number of allocated projects right; engaging to get the best from others; acknowledgement; linguistic tricks!
48:21Key setting/agreeing boundaries; communicate early when issues arise & prevent chaos; carrots & sticks for double motivation!
512:21Trust Building; Leadership Traits; Gap-managing your own traits; The Trust Factor traits that are essential, or crisis results
67:54Reliability/Consistency vs flexibility explained; Action cycles and fire-fighting and how to be more strategic at work
712:23Leveraging the 1-2-1 with staff: motivating, checking your effectiveness, mindsets for difficult-behaviors, using ‘I’, ‘We’, & ‘You’
814:16Mindsets for different required solutions; four types of meetings fit for purpose and more efficient
910:52Leveraging Emotional Intelligence and speedy EI improvement without having to just grow old!
1011:57Beating conflicts: Second positioning and the 51% Rule
1113:51Managing stress (self & others); Persistent stress syndrome and how to break it; self-inquiry and self-inventory.
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We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.


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Emotional Intelligence Model

To Drive Self-Awareness to Self-Managing, to test from specific feedback and make deliberate change

Seek specific (contextualized) feedback like this:

When we were {place/time: in that meeting at 9am today} I made some comments about three key areas that help us win business and I noticed that Brenda did not contribute after that and I think was avoiding eye-contact with me. If there was ‘one thing[1]’ that I could have done better, what is that ‘one thing’?

To Drive Awareness of Others to Managing Others and to test new and more impactful approaches

Ask questions that invite your understanding of their values, sense of identity, beliefs, needs, wants, motivations and de-motivators:

Arun, I’m interested in how you approached success with the Comcast business. You seemed more highly engaged than usual… if there was one thing that drove your engagement like that, what is that one thing?

[1] The presupposition of there being one thing stimulates the brain and opens a neural pathway. The question ‘what is that one thing’ invites an answer in the present stimulating the same neural pathway. This tends to lead to a developmental answer/feedback and other questions and answers may follow once started.

More Self-Awareness questions

Frame the First question like the one above, including contextualization AND the ‘one thing’ format. After you have the first feedback, you can then ask more questions like, “and if there was another thing”?

I disturbed you {context} when you were very busy…. One thing?

I gave you developmental-feedback (context}… one thing?

I got stressed and did not communicate well, for which I apologize; one thing… how could I stop myself getting stressed?

It was very late and I took a bad action {context}; one thing: how could I have best informed you and when?

I tried to get my message across {context} but do not think I succeeded; one thing to be better at that?

When I get too busy, action notes get mislaid, what is a better way to prevent that happening?

Am I prioritizing to the right level and if not, how can I improve that?

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) leverages success. Many executives slowly gain EI over a life-time from learning whether pleasant or painful! But we can all learn faster – here are some insights for how to do just that, and stay ahead before the pain hits! Just SEVEN minutes!

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Self-confidence and Self-esteem

This short video by Angus McLeod shows how Self-confidence is context-specific and therefore ‘fragile’. However, if we are conscious about having a wide selection of thinking and activities where we have self-confidence, we generate ‘Self-esteem’; this quality is not context-specific and so is robust. We can deliberately grow self-esteem and this makes our lives less stressful, calmer, better…! Just FIVE minutes!

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Video Relationship Investment

This short video by Angus McLeod shows how we can calibrate key relationships, know what action to take to improve the relationship and then, covertly, monitor the effectiveness of our action! Just eight minutes!

Supporting Resources: Reflective Language Article

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We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.

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Listening Leadership


Exquisite Listening is at the heart of facilitating high performance in others. Listening is a key quality of leaders who mark themselves apart from managers who may dominate by directing.

When we listen well, we learn more about a person, about both their competences (practical and thinking styles) and about their motivations and de-motivations. We also learn how to influence them more effectively. Our influencing can then both inspire them to achieve at new levels but also to achieve with wellbeing, even when the demands we make, are over sustained periods.

A number of factors get in the way – awareness of these factors is a good place to start, so that strengths can be acknowledged and so gaps can be self-managed. The pathway to producing greater personal performance and satisfaction is then on track.

What gets in the way?

Continue reading Listening Leadership

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Wellbeing at Work


Well-Being & Healthy Thinking

A healthy ‘mindset’ assists in well-being. This is not just about how happy we feel right now, but also, how empowered we are to achieve our aims.

But, what is a mindset? At least three things are important, these are: values, beliefs and our sense of identity. Continue reading Wellbeing at Work

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Leaders: Learning from the Holiday

g-officeDid you notice that more people were friendly, approachable and engaged in conversation over the Christmas Holiday period? What happens in these first few days back at work will determine our effectivness for the whole year. Let’s learn from the holiday spirit now? Continue reading Leaders: Learning from the Holiday