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Rapid Culture Change

Can corporates achieve rapid behavioural change in their teams? They can now! With coachinig skills as part of a managing style. How do we know? Because we have been doing it since 2004 in sectors including healthcare (NHS TRUST) and Government. And there are published research results (The Training Journal) to prove it works! Watch this short video now.

Continue reading Rapid Culture Change

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Coaching Standards

How to Pick a Good Coach or Coaching Provider?

In this short video, discover the four levels of coaching and how to choose an executive coach that is right for your organisation. Continue reading Coaching Standards

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Video Masterclasses

We offer a range of coaching masterclasses on video. You can watch one of the several sample videos below. Each of these shows the coaching session and the debriefing with the audience. These debriefings are fantastically educational in teasing out observed tricks of the trade. The full videos are all about an hour and also include the full coaching session AND the film of the debriefing and are available exclusively to members of this site on a pay-to-view basis with six weeks to see the videos as many times as you like. The samples are all free to view. Continue reading Video Masterclasses

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Video TED Talk

This short video extract of the ‘TED’ Talk given by Angus McLeod at the University of Gloucester in 2009 and called ‘Coaching – Be the Change’. This highlights the importance of ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’ as leader/coach. The full version is being migrated. To see the whole 18 minute video, just tell us using the contact button on the top navigation.

Full video was professionally produced, mixing from 3 film-cameras.

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Self-reflective (SR) Silence

When a coachee makes a discovery, the psychological breakthrough in perception, or catharsis, is wholly internal. Even if the coach is speaking, the contribution of the coach to the actual event is insignificant.

Silence (and specifically one form of silence in coaching: ‘self-reflective’ silence, SR-Silence) is therefore the dominant of the triad of the Principal Instruments (that include questioning and challenge). SR-Silence enables the coachee to think and feel (experience) without the coach sidetracking them. Watch the video for more . Continue reading Self-reflective (SR) Silence