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Bad Behaviors at Work

Tough Talking for Bad Behaviour

I continue to hear executives complaining about lack of professional behaviours in colleagues at all levels. The latest complaint concerns a Director of a regional business, part of an international conglomerate. This person is thought to be disgruntled due to his CEO’s direction and interference in his role and priorities, but staff only see the unprofessional results of whatever is going on in his immature head: the Director misses, delays and drops meetings including staff annual reviews with little or no notice; leaves meetings early; sends one-word emails to colleagues, typically ‘no’; is obstructive, unhelpful and careless towards staff including changing their jobs without consultation. What to do… Continue reading Bad Behaviors at Work

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US Radio Spot

Angus gives ‘Freedom’ interview

‘Let’s Get Real Radio’ featured Angus McLeod in their ‘freedom’ spot at 1pm Central time on Monday 20th December where he answered questions from the presenters on his career, books and of course, coaching! Hear the Radio show.

“You really touched my heart and allowed my soul to sing its heart song” Cathy Matarazzo, show host.

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McLeod Management Model

How not to over- or under-manage and therefore demoralize your staff. Continue reading McLeod Management Model

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Reflective Language

Language that reflects back the coachee’s own words is a win-win formula for success. This is called Reflective Language. The coach does not use up mental activity in interpreting and the coachee does not have to detach from the ‘experience’ they may be having in order to worry about the meaning of the words (interpretation of semantics) the coach is using. Reflective Language is very standard and used gracefully by all the best coaches I know. Coachees do not notice Reflective Language, but observers do notice! Continue reading Reflective Language

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Rapid Culture Change

Can corporates achieve rapid behavioural change in their teams? They can now! With coachinig skills as part of a managing style. How do we know? Because we have been doing it since 2004 in sectors including healthcare (NHS TRUST) and Government. And there are published research results (The Training Journal) to prove it works! Watch this short video now.

Continue reading Rapid Culture Change

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How to Be Happy

Last evening I had one of those wonderful warm glow feelings when all seems to be just right. These things can still surprise but we can also re-programme ourselves to be more susceptible to happiness. The old adage coined by Kahlil Gibran about the cup being half empty or half-full comes to mind. Can’t we just chose to be half-full? Continue reading How to Be Happy

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Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

I spent time at the amazing Euro-coach Conference, ec-l 2010, this weekend. It was a great environment to meet, discuss and learn with others who are totally enthralled with the wonderful outcomes that come from excellent coaching. But how does the best coaching happen? Well, at least there is one simple explanation that covers ALL coaching everywhere! (Video also) Continue reading Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery