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Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

I spent time at the amazing Euro-coach Conference, ec-l 2010, this weekend. It was a great environment to meet, discuss and learn with others who are totally enthralled with the wonderful outcomes that come from excellent coaching. But how does the best coaching happen? Well, at least there is one simple explanation that covers ALL coaching everywhere! (Video also) Continue reading Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

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Coaching Standards

How to Pick a Good Coach or Coaching Provider?

In this short video, discover the four levels of coaching and how to choose an executive coach that is right for your organisation. Continue reading Coaching Standards

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What is coaching?

There are many forms of coaching methods, definitions and philosophies. We wish to provide over-arching knowledge that is common to all the best forms of coaching available today. So we provide an up-to-date definition as well as a glossary of terms. Continue reading What is coaching?

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Cascade Coaching

Cascade Coaching® is the 3CCCs methodology for culture change in organisations working on 3 levels of corporate change.

These changes are directed at key (typically ‘front-line’) staff and managers. Cascade Coaching also involves the training of in-house coaches to encourage your organisation to become independently developing with time. Enquire for more information navigation: contact


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Mixing coaching & mentoring

In practice, when coaching, mentoring may sometimes be needed. Why is that?

Coaching, since Tim Gallwey, is perceived universally as a facilitative process, whereby the coach attends to the coachee and their learning. This attention to the coachee and their learning leads to the use of just three principle instruments of coaching, namely: questions, challenge and (Self-reflective; SR) Silence. Continue reading Mixing coaching & mentoring