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Indian Edition for Angus McLeod

MMMT_2@drangusmcleod book ‘Me, Myself, My Team – How to Become an Effective Team-Player Using NLP’ has now been taken up by an Indian publisher, ‘Research Press’. Continue reading Indian Edition for Angus McLeod

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Angus McLeod Global Award

ANGUS-2013-sm1Prof. Angus McLeod, PhD has been awarded the prestigious Global Coaching Leadership Award 2015 by the World Coaching Congress.
Now in its third year, the congress attracts speakers from across the globe with the theme of creating the future for professional coaching.
Angus receives the award for his continuing contributions and leadership to facilitative coaching for over two decades.
The 2015 Conference, Mumbai, started today.

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Leader Qualities: Authentic

cat-usdownResearch shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Authenticity. Continue reading Leader Qualities: Authentic

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Leader Quality: Walks the Talk

duck-aim-shinfield3Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Walks the Talk. Continue reading Leader Quality: Walks the Talk

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Leaders: Learning from the Holiday

g-officeDid you notice that more people were friendly, approachable and engaged in conversation over the Christmas Holiday period? What happens in these first few days back at work will determine our effectivness for the whole year. Let’s learn from the holiday spirit now? Continue reading Leaders: Learning from the Holiday

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Leader Quality: Discrete

toitoise1Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Discretion. Continue reading Leader Quality: Discrete

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Leader Qualities

picos-cows-221Trust is paramount. Researched with hundreds of senior executives, we report a definitive Leader Quality list. The Leader Qualities are shown below. Continue reading Leader Qualities

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Leader Qualities: Reliable & Consistent

(ALL RIGHTS) Elephant in Meru, Kenya, Africa © Kenneth K. CoeResearch shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for a combined Trust Factor: Reliability and Consistency. Continue reading Leader Qualities: Reliable & Consistent

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Leader Quality: Accepts Responsibility

meerkat2Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Accepting Responsibility. Continue reading Leader Quality: Accepts Responsibility