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Hot Words & Hot Language

We all choose our words deliberately. We have thousands of possibilities to choose how we arrange those words but each individual selects their own special form. In most cases, people have particular sensitivities to particular words/phrases that they use and these are called[1] ‘hot-words’ & ‘hot-language’. Continue reading Hot Words & Hot Language

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The Principal Instruments of Coaching

The Principal Instruments of coaching are now these: exquisite listening, questions (including challenge) and SR silence[1]. These Principal Instruments are used to assist the coachee to meet their defined targets. Of the three Instruments, Self-Reflective silence is the most effective. To see video of SR go to this link. Continue reading The Principal Instruments of Coaching

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Self-reflective (SR) Silence

When a coachee makes a discovery, the psychological breakthrough in perception, or catharsis, is wholly internal. Even if the coach is speaking, the contribution of the coach to the actual event is insignificant.

Silence (and specifically one form of silence in coaching: ‘self-reflective’ silence, SR-Silence) is therefore the dominant of the triad of the Principal Instruments (that include questioning and challenge). SR-Silence enables the coachee to think and feel (experience) without the coach sidetracking them. Watch the video for more . Continue reading Self-reflective (SR) Silence