Why a need to be liked is a weakness of leadership (audio 2m 25s)
We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.
Why a need to be liked is a weakness of leadership (audio 2m 25s)
We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.
In cooperation with Gnowbe.com Angus McLeod has produced digital learning apps including a portfolio of apps under the umbrella titles: ‘Coaching for Leaders’.
These apps have high participative levels/retention and high certification/completion levels. They upskill international workers with leader-skills based upon leader and coaching skills for leveraging their work-based skills immediately. Supported by cohort-based social media on the Gnowbe platform itself, learners are able to share real-time across all time zones, helping to create new behaviors and a common vernacular upon which teams build their leveraging talent for productive team-work across continents. Continue reading Coaching for Leaders – Digital Apps
When we listen well, we learn more about a person, about both their competences (practical and thinking styles) and about their motivations and de-motivations. We also learn how to influence them more effectively. Our influencing can then both inspire them to achieve at new levels but also to achieve with wellbeing, even when the demands we make, are over sustained periods.
A number of factors get in the way – awareness of these factors is a good place to start, so that strengths can be acknowledged and so gaps can be self-managed. The pathway to producing greater personal performance and satisfaction is then on track.
A healthy ‘mindset’ assists in well-being. This is not just about how happy we feel right now, but also, how empowered we are to achieve our aims.
But, what is a mindset? At least three things are important, these are: values, beliefs and our sense of identity. Continue reading Wellbeing at Work
Research with many hundreds of European senior executives [1] showed the following skills/traits that were regarded as ideal in exceptional leaders: Continue reading Leader vs Coaching Skills
How do you significantly improve the efficacy of a senior management team’s meetings?
Certain practical steps will create engagement, co-trust, increased creativity and more broadly-resourced solutions. Let’s start with the values that drive change, and how to apply those values.
Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Supportive of People. Continue reading Leader Qualities: Supportive of Individuals
Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Interested in Colleagues. Continue reading Leader Qualities: Interested in Individuals
Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Authenticity.
Continue reading Leader Qualities: Authentic
Research shows there are 11 key Leader Qualities with one having a sub-set of 8 characteristics. Of the 19 Leader Qualities, 7 of them are ‘Trust Factors’. These are listed again below, together with a fuller description for Trust Factor: Walks the Talk. Continue reading Leader Quality: Walks the Talk