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Down Feeling – Fix Them!

Down Feelings are a human blight, world over. Dr. Angus I. McLeod explains why they can occur and why they may disrupt your effectiveness and wellbeing. He then explains how to deal with them to work and live more contentedly! 6m 23s only.

See more videos on my YouTube channel!

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EI Test

It is said that:

IQ + Emotional Intelligence = success

Take this EI quiz and find out!

If you want more success, here’s how to do it!

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Gorilla Love Coaching

Gorilla Love Coaching
Damian Aspinall

Damian Aspinall, returns to the bush to see a gorilla that he took to the wild 5 years earlier. In an emotional video,  the gorilla demonstrates genuine recognition, affection and join-up. Angus McLeod’s learning from this inspiring video is below.. Continue reading Gorilla Love Coaching

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McLeod: Transformational Coaching

McLeod: Sustainable Transformations in Under 30 minutes.

At Euro-Coach Conference 16-17 November, 2013., Dr Angus McLeod (Visiting Professor of Coaching at Birmingham City University) will first run through his 4-level coaching model. This model is based upon observations of the coachee and not, as conventionally done, by focussing on the core skills of the coach. Continue reading McLeod: Transformational Coaching

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Coaching Style

Why is Managing in a Coaching Style so impactful? How does a strategic move to managing in a coaching style lead to a culture change and to the ‘Coaching Organisation’? What strategic input is needed to facilitate this culture change by management? These questions and others are addressed in the complete series of volumes!

Watch Video 1 of Volume 1 from Managing in Coaching Style series. The whole Volume has four videos including embedded video-examples and slides (available on-screen and free as downloadable figures). Continue reading Coaching Style

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Angus McLeod Coaching Interview: 9

This is the audio interview of Angus McLeod by Michelle Duval in April 2012. Exquisite questioning by mega-coach Michelle Duval – Pearls of wisdom from the humanistic world-coach and author, Angus McLeod.

“I listened to the interview with Angus McLeod today. I felt  like Angus’ words sang to my heart: ‘Authenticity’, ‘focus’ and ‘be the music’. There were lots of powerful moments for me in a very profound way. The one that has stuck with me the most is ‘Be the music’!” Dina Cooper, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia. Listen here: Continue reading Angus McLeod Coaching Interview: 9

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Pain to gain

Using my ‘Human at Work’ (©AngusMcLeod2011) philosophy, here is a 7 minute video demonstrating how human development underpins executive training for stress and numerous performance issues.
My first video based on ‘Human at Work’ technology was a video on mindfulness. Here is the second in the series, called ‘Pain to Gain’. Just sign up to get further free videos. Existing ‘Human at Work ©’ members will find the video on their dashboard. Continue reading Pain to gain

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Video: Leadership and Coaching

How are leadership traits and coaching skills similar. How are they different. This 8 minute video offers an interpretation based on 20 years of experience around the world in both disciplines:

Get more information and links to pages just like this simply and FREE:

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Video Masterclasses

We offer a range of coaching masterclasses on video. You can watch one of the several sample videos below. Each of these shows the coaching session and the debriefing with the audience. These debriefings are fantastically educational in teasing out observed tricks of the trade. The full videos are all about an hour and also include the full coaching session AND the film of the debriefing and are available exclusively to members of this site on a pay-to-view basis with six weeks to see the videos as many times as you like. The samples are all free to view. Continue reading Video Masterclasses