Emotional Intelligence (EI) leverages success. Many executives slowly gain EI over a life-time from learning whether pleasant or painful! But we can all learn faster – here are some insights for how to do just that, and stay ahead before the pain hits! Just SEVEN minutes!
Tag: Angus
Self-confidence and Self-esteem
This short video by Angus McLeod shows how Self-confidence is context-specific and therefore ‘fragile’. However, if we are conscious about having a wide selection of thinking and activities where we have self-confidence, we generate ‘Self-esteem’; this quality is not context-specific and so is robust. We can deliberately grow self-esteem and this makes our lives less stressful, calmer, better…! Just FIVE minutes!
Video Relationship Investment
This short video by Angus McLeod shows how we can calibrate key relationships, know what action to take to improve the relationship and then, covertly, monitor the effectiveness of our action! Just eight minutes!
Supporting Resources: Reflective Language Article
We will send you a new link but not more than six each year. Your details are safe. Posts include 'Human at Work' tricks and tips.
How to Be Happy
Last evening I had one of those wonderful warm glow feelings when all seems to be just right. These things can still surprise but we can also re-programme ourselves to be more susceptible to happiness. The old adage coined by Kahlil Gibran about the cup being half empty or half-full comes to mind. Can’t we just chose to be half-full? Continue reading How to Be Happy
Video TED Talk
This short video extract of the ‘TED’ Talk given by Angus McLeod at the University of Gloucester in 2009 and called ‘Coaching – Be the Change’. This highlights the importance of ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’ as leader/coach. The full version is being migrated. To see the whole 18 minute video, just tell us using the contact button on the top navigation.
Full video was professionally produced, mixing from 3 film-cameras.
STEPPPA Coaching Model
Angus McLeod’s coaching model includes ‘E’ emotion as a vital element of any target or goal.
EMOTION is at the heart of motivation and de-motivation. STEPPPA includes EMOTION rather than ignoring it! Continue reading STEPPPA Coaching Model