People never fidget or talk to others when I speak
It is very rare that I have enemies
I often consider whether my speech is loud or not
I am aware of my feelings and can name them
My motivation is complex
I adjust my speech level deliberately to suit situations
I never lose my professional cool
If upset, I continue to listen acutely to what is going on
I deliberately change my habits when needed
I express my feelings, and do so where it is appropriate
I instinctively know if someone is upset
People often come to me for help with personal issues
I buy presents that I would not necessarily like myself but are appreciated by the recipients
I hand-write a personal greeting for a birthday card/gift
I do more listening than talking
I cope well with awkward and embarrassing situations
If someone becomes upset I help deal with that before moving on with any previous discussion
I offer support in preference to advice
In a meeting I encourage anyone who has not spoken to do so
I make adjustments to people’s jobs to fit in with their expressed needs and motivations
What is my Emotional Intelligence Score?
Low Level EI
You have been waiting for pain to happen in order to grow your EI. But you can change all that by starting to understand your thinking, prejudices & behaviors by asking for specific feedback from others that you trust. By specific, we mean that you are setting the context for the question precisely and then asking for the feedback. Here is an example:
"When I spoke up about the change project in the meeting, Eleanor seems to go very quiet. If there was one thing that would have made what I said more effective to the team, what is that one thing?"
Low & Developing Level of EI
You can accelerate you EI by asking for specific feedback from others that you trust. By specific, we mean that you are setting the context for the question precisely and then asking for the feedback. Here is an example:
"When I spoke up about the change project in the meeting, Eleanor seems to go very quiet. If there was one thing that would have made what I said more effective to the team, what is that one thing?"
After some weeks or months, come back and re-do the test as honestly as you can. The questions are grouped in four levels, the first five being the most easily attainable and so on, in fives. It can take many months to double your Emotional Intelligence!
High Managing or Advanced EI
Your EI is already very high. To keep it high, you may think to ask more questions of others, especially those you do not have such good rapport with so far. Ask for specific feedback from them about how you are doing in a specific situation and take more interest in non-work life stuff.
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