Thanks for your purchase!
Congratulations on taking your personal and professional development seriously!
Your three teleconferences are on:
- Tuesday 23th October,
- Tuesday 30th October and
- Tuesday 6th October
All at 19:00
We will be recording so you should not miss anything!
The access number is 001.213-226-0400
To make that a cheap call: You can use telediscount and pay just 2p per minute (about £1.80 for the whole of each call only). Use this UK number to access: 0844.462.3232 (they confirm the price of 2p/m). Wait for the request and enter the US number followed by the # symbol, like this: 0012132260400 #
You will then need your conference code which is 970013
You can also use the Skype calling function if you wish to use your PC VIOP sound setup.
We will send the recording links to you within two days of each call whether you are on the call or not, so you can re-listen or review what you missed! Sometimes recording quality is poor on these recording systems due to the set up of individual headsets/phones. So if you can make the calls, please do so.
Please start you log in at least three minutes before the call so we that we can all start together on time!
Thanks again!
Judy and Angus