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Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

I spent time at the amazing Euro-coach Conference, ec-l 2010, this weekend. It was a great environment to meet, discuss and learn with others who are totally enthralled with the wonderful outcomes that come from excellent coaching. But how does the best coaching happen? Well, at least there is one simple explanation that covers ALL coaching everywhere! (Video also) Continue reading Four Levels of Coaching From Professional to Mastery

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Wheel of life

The wheel of life is used as a coaching tool to assist the coachee to learn more about their own thinking, beliefs, motivations and de-motivations. It provides a soft way to work for novice coaches particularly as both parties can look at the tool rather than at one another.

There is no single wheel of life but we offer one with ten segments. There are 3 distinct steps in using the wheel.

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further skills for self-coaching life-style and well-being

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Mixing coaching & mentoring

In practice, when coaching, mentoring may sometimes be needed. Why is that?

Coaching, since Tim Gallwey, is perceived universally as a facilitative process, whereby the coach attends to the coachee and their learning. This attention to the coachee and their learning leads to the use of just three principle instruments of coaching, namely: questions, challenge and (Self-reflective; SR) Silence. Continue reading Mixing coaching & mentoring

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Self-reflective (SR) Silence

When a coachee makes a discovery, the psychological breakthrough in perception, or catharsis, is wholly internal. Even if the coach is speaking, the contribution of the coach to the actual event is insignificant.

Silence (and specifically one form of silence in coaching: ‘self-reflective’ silence, SR-Silence) is therefore the dominant of the triad of the Principal Instruments (that include questioning and challenge). SR-Silence enables the coachee to think and feel (experience) without the coach sidetracking them. Watch the video for more . Continue reading Self-reflective (SR) Silence