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PR National Skills Academy

First Assessment Centre for Coaches

Press Release Dated: 14 November, 2008 — 

Link with the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing


The National Skills Academy for Manufacturing has launched a major, pilot scheme to support manufacturing industry by stimulating appropriate development in leadership, supply-chain management and new product development. The process begins with an analysis tool which highlights focus areas for both the company and for the Skills Academy support cohort. Attention is then directed at the focus areas to make the greatest and most cost-effective impact in the business. All of this is underpinned by coaching to support the identified initiatives and to provide faster culture change.

The coaching-support further exists both to create fast application of knowledge and to establish an in-company coaching-style within managements. A blended-learning approach has been established. Coaching skills are being learned via distance learning from Newcastle College including the two Performance Coaching Diploma courses designed by Angus McLeod. More conventional training programmes to develop coaching skills are also offered to a number of national standards (ILM and Chartered Institute of Management certificates). All courses are enhanced to provide rapid access to practical skills and to give wide learning accessibility.

Additionally, a group of Certified coaches, provided by Angus McLeod Associates, is supporting managers to win through with the identified initiatives. The first coaches have passed a thorough screening and assessment centre to reach certification. To provide coaching at accessible costs, a novel model of coaching provision has been established with companies understanding exactly what the costs will be up-front.

All the eighteen major companies in the pilot scheme, together with their large supply-chains are included in the pilot and able to receive grant-aid for these interventions. Starting shortly, all the coaching offerings will be marketed via The Skills Academy  to the rest of manufacturing industry. This strategy will ensure that a very significant coaching support structure is ready for a national roll-out in April 2010.

Angus McLeod Associates

AMA coaches

Day-coach executives (an experienced, AMA executive coach in your organisation for a day of coaching individuals)

Executive Development 1-2-1 with AMA executive coaches

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